We have PSO jobs available. Now, we do not just hire any woman like some companies. This company is some what elite. I am not saying we are a bunch of stuck up bitches because that is not the case. We do not over hire like some companies. And we only hire women who can commit to 40 plus hours a week. Plus, you need to blog at this company. If you cannot write a few blogs a day, you will never make money at this company. The more you blog and the more you work, the more you make. That is how it is at a direct dial company. We are independent contractors, so there are not many rules, but we do have to commit to a weekly schedule. You select your hours, but once you select those hours, you need to commit to them. This a no drama company so you can work with other women with a good work ethic and not feel stressed. WBMT builds women up. It never tears women down. I make over a grand a week. Now, it took me a couple months to get my regulars and find my groove, but once I did my minutes only went up. If you can commit to a schedule and blog a few times a day, you can make bank too.