- PSO jobs aren’t for every woman. There is a myth out there that this is an easy job that only women who can’t do anything else do. I used to be someone who thought that. I am proud to admit that I was wrong. This job requires a lot of work to make top money. Sure, there are companies that require little to no work. But those jobs will pay you pennies. They will take most of your talk time. At WBMT, there is a pay structure in place that rewards your hard work. You can make up to a $1.10 per minute of talk time if you work 60 plus hours a week, blog daily at least five times a week and do some self-promoting. WBMT requires work, but the pay off can be pay checks over $1,000 weekly. Would you rather be lazy and make $200 a week if you are lucky or would you rather do some dedicated weekly hard work and earn a pay check with more zeros? I love working at WBMT because I am a hard worker. I do well with unstructured time and I am greedy. Why would I settle for 20 cents a minute when I could make $1.10 a minute? If hard work doesn’t scare you, join our team of hard working dirty talkers.