PSO jobs are not for everyone, but if you are comfortable with dirty talking about an array of no taboo subjects, you can make a great living in this industry. The most successful women in the phone sex world have a good work ethic. This kind of job can attract lazy women. WBMT is not the company to just sit and wait for the phone to answer. Not if you want to make money. This is a blog driven company. WBMT pays a higher per minute payout but they do require things like weekly blogging and a committed schedule. Some companies let you work whenever you want. You can here too but you have to design a weekly schedule and work those committed hours. I design my schedule weekly around my life. I never have to ask off. I took this job out of financial desperation, but I kept it because of the flexibility in scheduling and the weekly paychecks. I also stayed because this is a drama free company and a woman run and owned business. No creepy getting the boss off expectations here. This is a stress-free job too. I was a social worker before this. I was laid off, but it was a blessing in disguise. I was salaried which meant I could be worked to death and I was. I also was not paid well for a job I always took home with me. Improve your life and your bank account and work from home with us.