Phone chat jobs provide a good income for women. It is honest, legal work and it pays well if you can blog and work 40 plus hours a week. Some women think this will be easy work. It is easier work than many jobs, but it is still work because it is a job. A job you can work form home in your jamies if you want. I love PSO work because I have a chronic health condition. I could no longer work in the 9-5 job I had for a decade. It was wearing my body down. Working from home where I could sit in a comfy chair all day saved my quality of life. Now, I still work hard. Women with good work ethics are who needs to apply. You need to be reliable to show up for the hours you commit to. I love the flexibility of working hours designed around my life. At my old job, I had to ask off every time I needed a doctor’s appointment, or a court date as I was suing my husband for custody of our boys. My job now works around my life not the other way around. Apply today, work tomorrow and see your life and money change for the better.