Our Phone Sex Jobs Might Just Be the Best

Our phone sex jobs might just be the best in the industry. I have been at several PSO companies in the past 20 years, and I have never made as much money as I have here. Now, I do work more here. And harder too. But when I can make over $1000 a week talking dirty, I do not mind the hard work. At any of my prior companies, If I made $500 a week it was a good week. My lowest week here, was still more than my best week at any of the other companies I worked for in the past.

But you need more than just a want to make money here. You need to hustle. WBMT is a blog driven company. Blogging companies pay more per minute on your talk time and they have more phone traffic. A blog driven company does not pay to advertise because blogging is free advertising. And when a man does a search for a keyword like phone sex, he can find you without knowing about our sites.

We train you here too. Teach you how to blog and how to operate our programs. We do everything we can to help our new contractors be successful. Join our team and find out for yourself.