Not All PSO Jobs are the Same

pso jobsNot all pso jobs are the same. I used to think so, before I landed at WBMT. This company is a cut above the rest. I have never been at a better company and I have been in this business for almost 2 decades now. A couple companies I worked for were under the sink or swim philosophy. No training. No guidance. No help from the other girls either. At our company you get almost 2 weeks of training and an entire team of women who want to help you succeed too. There is no typical cattiness because WBMT is a no drama company. I was at a few companies that bounced my checks or did not pay me on time as promised. I was even at one for a month that never paid me. I landed at WBMT 5 years ago, and I learned what a real company was and how you should be treated as a phone sex operator. I also did not need to lie about my prior experience in the business here. Many companies will not hire you if you worked for the competition before. WBMT welcomes newbies and veterans of phone sex. Everyone is treated equally and paid on time weekly. Best PSO company I have ever worked for too.