I love being a phone sex operator here because it is a fun and interesting place to work. We get to pick our own schedules so you can work around any appointments or plans you may have and you work every day from the comfort of your own home. The manager here gives us intensive training so even if you have never had a job like this before you can learn how to do it all very easily. Plus there are several women here that have worked here for several years and they are more than willing to help you with any questions you may have. The pay here is a lot higher than anywhere else and the call volume is great, you will have no trouble paying your bills with your paychecks here I can tell you that for sure. Now,don’t think that you will just be sitting around waiting for your phone to ring, this job takes effort but that effort pays off. Write blogs, vote and answer chats and calls and you will be very happy to see that paycheck grow every week. Come and join our family here, it will be a decision you will not regret!