How to be a phone sex operator is not hard, however, it does require work. You need to treat phone sex like you would any job. That is the key to success. Unfortunately, many women are looking for easy money. There is no such thing as easy money. This type of job may not be as hard as working in a restaurant or retail, but it requires work. To work for WBMT you must be able to blog daily. No one will last here or make money, who does not blog three times a day over 5 days a week. You must commit to 40-50 hours a week. You get to select your hours, but once you do, you must show up for those hours. It is easier to work more hours when you are working from home because you have no commute time. You have zero prep time because you can roll out of bed and sign on to work here. WBMT provides training. You will learn how to blog using Word Press. You will learn how to bill a caller’s credit card. You will learn how to use Google Docs for your record keeping. If you can commit to 40-50 hours a week, and blog daily, you can make great money at this company.