How to be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator is not hard. However, you do need a few things in place before you can start working here. First, you need a computer. Preferably a newer laptop with a Windows working system. You can use an Apple computer, but some of our programs do not run as smoothly on Apple devices. You need a cell phone with a good signal. We use cell phones for our 800 numbers. They are run on an app, so you need a good signal, so you do not drop calls.

You also need a quite place to work. Other people can be in the house, but when on a call nothing else can be heard by your caller. Not kids, not a TV and not other voices either. And let me tell you if you work at a desk, you will want a comfortable chair to sit in. Plus, I recommend a good pair of wired headphones. You can get long calls and a good pair of headphones helps. Also, so does a back up battery source for your cell phone.

And high-speed internet is the last thing you need before you can start here. This is a fun place to work. And you can make decent money here too. Apply today and find out for yourself!