Imagine – rolling out of bed, staying in your PJs (or birthday suit), and starting work. Need to step away to eat for a few minutes? No problem. Need to get your kids on the bus? No problem. Need to run an errand for a short while? No problem. (You might want to make sure you put on real clothes for that, though.)
Working for WBMT as a phone sex operator is the most convenient job I’ve ever had. I get to sit at my desk in comfy clothes, and I can do whatever I need to do around the house while still working. Don’t get me wrong – when I’m on the phone or writing blogs, I’m at my desk. Writing the blogs is how you get the calls, so you want to write write write. Putting in time and effort is how you end up making the big bucks, so for all its convenience, you still have to work hard. But when you need a breather, it’s a hellova lot more convenient than being trapped in an office where your only option for a break is getting up to pee. Here, if you have been blogging for three hours and you want to watch a movie for a bit, you can.
The other nice thing, too, is that in addition to your scheduled time, you can work however many additional hours you want! If you want the extra money, you can put in the additional time.
And one of the best things is that the gals here – and I mean all of them, management and employees – are a family. There’s no cattiness, no bitchiness, and no cliques to deal with. Truly, everyone here is accepting and supportive and wonderful, and I’ve never, ever worked with a more wonderful group of women before.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Phone sex Jobs
I am a phone sex operator. I have been a PSO for 5 years now. I wont lie to you. This is not some easy sit at home and watching movies and playing games and still make money. It is NOT like that. There are companies out there that you just answer the phones and do nothing else. But you are not going to make any money at them. I love the company I work for. And I WORK for the money I earn. But I make good money. More than double what I made at my full time stocker job. But I work for it. I blog as much as possible. Its not hard. It takes a few hours a day. That is it. I also stay logged in when ever I am home. And I get calls. If you are expecting to work 3 hours a day logged in and make money. That is not going to happen. This is an actual job. I pay all my bills. I am the sole supporter of my family. I put in 50 hours a week sometimes more if I need to make more money. I love the fact I can control how much I make. The more blogs I put out. The more I make. It is that simple. Being a PSO is NOT hard. And the more time you put in. The more money you make. So If you hate working your ass off. And never getting ahead. This is the perfect job for you. The more you work. The more you make.
Being a PSO
I have been a PSO for several years. I have tried many companies out there. And they are NOT all the same. I can honestly say that WBMT is the BEST company I have ever worked for. I have been here almost 3 years. I get paid every week. I like the girls I work with. We have a company chat room and there is NO cattiness or ugliness allowed. It is a great work environment. We have a great boss. I use to work for wally world. It was a terrible job. I hated it. My bosses were rude. The pay was terrible and the work was super hard. At WBMT I have the ability to make good money. More than double what I use to make. And all I have to do is log in and blog a lot. Let me tell you. Blogging in the comfort of my home with a movie on in the back ground is so much better than stocking the grocery section of wally world. PLUS I make make so much more money. The key to being a Phone sex operator is blogging and being logged into work. It is simple. The blogs advertise you to potential callers. And being logged in means you are available when the guys call. If you dont want to blogs or you only want to work 2 or 3 hours a day. This is NOT the job for you. If you are one of those people who are willing to work to make money. This is the perfect job for you. I am the sole provider for my family. And this is the ONLY job I have. I am not some super PSO. I don’t have the best voice ever. I just stay logged in and blog. It is that simple.
How to be a phone sex Operator
Phone sex jobs are a fun way to earn money in the comfort of your own home. Phone sex operator jobs are not for a person who is not open minded and dedicated to work. Contrary to popular belief, there is more to making money in this industry then just sitting back and waiting for the phone to ring. There are so many PSO jobs out there that deciding if a company is right for you takes a little research and sometimes trial and error. Just like any job there are good and bad companies out there and finding a good company is very important if you are new to the industry. I found that out the hard way. Fuckalicious has a couple of really great ladies at the helm. Both the owner and the manager are eager to help and give great guidance and advice, encouraging their employees to make as much money as possible. Not just because they want the company to be successful, but because they have worked at some of the not so good companies and they really care for their employees. The girls that work here are equally supportive. We have no drama, and we aren’t cut throat. There are enough clients to go around and we all help each other succeed. I have been here for three years now and would not work any where else, ever again. Now that I have told you how great the bosses and employees are and a little about the atmosphere you can expect here. Let me explain my earlier statement “there is more to being a PSO then just answering the phone.” Just like any other business you have to advertise your merchandise, and that merchandise is you and your sexy, wild imagination. The thing that will have your clients cumming back for more! You do this by blogging or writing stories that will entice our clients to call you. You create a virtual world that the client wants to be a part of, needs to be a part of. With the support of everyone at this company you will not only learn the ins and outs of blogging but you will have all the support you need to excel at it! The next thing you need to realize is that just like any other business, the more time you put in, the more money you make. If you had a restaurant and were only opened a few days a week for a few hours, you aren’t going to make any money. The same is true here. And finally you need to be willing to be reliable. Just like any other job if your can’t be here when your supposed to, someone else has to be. Our clients need us and we need them. In closing if you think you have what it takes, if you love an easy going atmosphere, if you have an open mind, if you have a wild imagination, if your reliable, if you want to make money and you want to be a part of the best little PSO family in the industry, I encourage you to fill out an application and join a winning team….TEAM FUCKALICIOUS!
See you soon…..
Why I love being a Phone sex Operator
When I first started doing phone sex I thought things would be so easy. I could hang out watch tv and be lazy. That is not how this works. If you are looking to do Phone sex know that it is more than answering phones. I write blogs on every day to get my girls on the site. I not only blog but I edit pictures of my characters. When I answer the phone I am happy, cheerful, sexy and ready to please my caller. I love working from home but you need to realize that you are working. Having friends come over and visiting while you are working is not a good idea. Yes I work from home and I could totally have people come over but I wouldn’t have friends coming over to a different job. It is my job and I respect my job. I have my own office where I work. I do take breaks during my day to clean up around the house. The more time I spent logged in the better chances I get to have a call. The more blogs I do means more calls I get. You have to be able to shut things out and focus on your job. Always have your phone by you so you can answer it! We do have guys who call just to tell you how hot you are. It wastes time but they saw your post. That means you are getting views! They might have wasted your time today but tomorrow they could be a new caller. Always be nice and sexy, your pictures plus your voice will make them think about you all day! You want to work hard at this, put in effort! You are able to make a ton of money doing phone sex! Remember when you apply for this job that you have to work hard and put your all into it. I hope to see you in chat soon!!
The Best phone Company Ever!
Being an adult is hard! As a mother of 2 I found myself in that endless cycle of working, putting my kids to bed and getting back up to do it all again. My employeer did not appreciate me and my children did nothing but miss me. On top of that it seemed like everytime I turned around my boyfriend was loosing his job, making my tiny paycheck our main source of income. When we did both work it was like an entire person’s money went to paying for childcare and gas! So when I got sick and was unable to return to work you could imagine we were hurting pretty bad. That is when my boyfriend watched this movie about some phone sex operators who make their own company and suggest I look it up. A quick search on google for PSO Jobs and I found myself diving head deep into a giant well of information. Not only was phone sex still around (which I thought it was dinosaur aged), but it was a thriving industry. So after a little bit more research I put in tons of applications. I had a few interviews and then this company found me. I was torn and decided to pick WBMT LLC as my first phone sex operator company. The owner was honest from the beginning, it takes time to build up clients. You have to work when your at work. It is more then just moaning and groaning on the phone. It is being able to tell a story. Paint a picture for our clients needs, the majority which are pretty cool. It is no taboo, like real no taboo. I did not know if I could handle that at first, but I did just fine. Now, I have moved into a bigger house and can afford the bills without struggling for my whole family, all four of us, and I don’t need any outside help. This is an amazing company and I am thankful for all that they have taught me. I will forever be grateful for the career opportunity they provided me with.
Good Luck
And May the Odds Be Ever In Your Favor
Haley <3
Phone sex operator – perks of being your own boss
Another girl who loves her job as a PSO with WBMT…
I would say the greatest thing about working here is the power to be your own boss , the art to be creative, the strength to lead and the love of a family that support and guide you along the way these are the greatest attributes of working at WBMT LLC. Sure it gets frustrating sometimes but nothing well obtained isn’t a little bothersome. I like the flexibility of working at home so I don’t have to beat traffic in the morning where I reside. I think that’s one of the biggest things. There are days that being a phone sex operator can be very challenging…
Those are the days I take a deep breath prepare my writing submissions and yes sometimes cry. There is nothing like a good cry that cleanses the soul and gives you the determination to trudge forward and be better! When I am not preparing my submissions I have the time to clean the house, talk to my neighbors children and influence their lives, and work on a project that is very dear to my heart. The one thing that sticks out the most is the time I can prepare studying for exams and other school things and taking the time to reflect on classes. Being a college student is pretty hectic, this gives me the time needed for study and creativity.
I will say this again you have to work hard to make it work for you but once you find that angle that glitch that keeps the spark in you to drive to succeed you start to pick up regular consumers like any other business. In fact this is your business and in order to be successful you have to work hard at it.Sure its frustrating, hard work at times but you have a team of supportive individuals that hug and get you back on top! These are your family future candidates and the best reason to apply here. The support they give you rises you to the top!
Working for WBMT
Another great letter from one of our employees
I first started out as a phone sex operator I was searching all over the Internet for information. Which company is the best? Everyone claims to be the best, but what I should have asked myself was “which company is the best for me?” and really answered it honestly. I needed a company that was going to give me the freedom to work at my own pace and reward me for going above and beyond because I like to feel like my hard work means something. I wasted a lot of time with the wrong PSO companies and I am so glad that I found WBMT. Their laid back atmosphere allows you to really work for you. You get out exactly what you put into your work. We’re rewarded for our ground work and working the lines. If you are a self motivated person and you can truly work without the need for someone to be on your back your entire shift then this is definitely where you need to be. Hard work truly pays here, so if you can’t get the work done you will surely see that reflect on your pockets.
If you haven’t done so already make sure you do as many searches and reviews of as many PSO companies that you can find. There’s plenty of them out there and no one company is like the other, find what fits for you because what we love doing here might not be your cup of tea. Remember you’ll always have to sacrifice something to get what you want. If you’re looking for a higher rate of pay you’re going to have to bust that pretty little ass of yours. Maybe you’re someone who doesn’t like to work to hard? You’ll have to give up a little bit of that pocket change to truly get your way. Above it all go for what’s right for you, I’m a college kid and WBMT is just right for me.