At Home Phone Operator Jobs Rock

at home phone operatorAt home phone operator jobs rock. When I got hurt in a car accident, I had no clue what I was going to do. I was a cam girl. However, no one wanted to see a girl in a back brace, a leg cast with lots of bruises and cuts on her body. Since I was no stranger to the adult industry, I thought I would try phone sex while I recuperated. And I recuperated. But I never went back to camming.

There are several reasons I never went back. First, the money is better here. Hard to believe it but with phone sex, they must pay. With camming, guys can park all day in your room and never even tip once. Plus, the competition to get seen on a cam site with thousands of models a day is tough. But on a phone sex site, it is much easier.

Second, I do not need to shove things in holes, or look perfect to work. Cam sites, you do a lot of things you likely would never do because you need the money. And your hair and makeup need to be perfect too. But with phone sex, I can roll out of bed looking like a hot mess and start work.

The cam market is over saturated because women think phone sex is dying. In one year here at WBMT, I made more than 4 years of camming combined. Yeah, I will never return to camming. Not when I can make bank talking dirty.