At Home Phone Operator jobs Can Change Your Life

at home operator jobsAt home phone operator jobs can change your life. They did mine. I went to college. And I have a Ph.d too. Honestly, I looked down at this sort of work. But I started getting super sick. And I got diagnosed with Lupus. The doctor told me I should consider quitting teaching college because college kids are germy. I was in my 40s with mono that put me in the hospital for over 2 weeks. So, I needed to figure something out.

One of my friends told me about phone sex. She did it in grad school as a job. But the company she worked for folded. But she was able to tell me about a few companies to avoid. WBMT hired me first. And I have been here for a decade now. And no one stays at a PSO company that long if not making great money. And they don’t stay if the company is shady either.

I had never done phone sex before. But I had an idea how it worked from my friend. Although I did not go to college for all those years to do phone sex, but I made lemonade when life tossed me lemons. And I have no regrets. I can support me and my daughter. And I have a job I can turn off when I am off too. No grading papers all the time after I am done, LOL. I stay healthier. And I get to spend more time with my daughter.

It doesn’t matter if you have a Ph. D or a GED, we hire women from all walks of life. Join us!