Are phone chat jobs for you? Ask yourself if you are open-minded about talking about taboo subjects? If you answered yes, then ask yourself if you want to make a good living from home. I needed to work from home to take care of my little ones. Daycare was out of my budget. I didn’t go to college and both ex-husbands were behind in support payments. I was working at K-mart but all my money was going to daycare. So, I looked for jobs I could do from home. I was worried about doing phone sex with little ones in the house, but I worked around their schedules and now they are in school and I work during the days and some evenings when they are asleep. This type of work is easy to schedule around motherhood duties. It saves you daycare costs and allows you to make more money than you would in retail. You just must be a hard worker to make top dollar here. WBMT makes it easier though than many companies to make good money. In one week, I make more money than I did in a month of 40 hours a week at K-mart. Join us and work from home too.