Adult phone operator jobs help women support themselves and their families. And they pay more than any other at home customer service type job around. In a world where you can work smarter not harder why would you want to have a job that does not pay you a livable wage and requires you to work yourself to the bone to pay your bills? Not when you could do phone sex for more money and less time.
Phone sex is not easy, and it does require work. But it is a smart job to have, especially for women who want or need to work at home. I never thought I would be doing phone sex or working from home. I am in my 50s and the only work from home job I knew when I was growing up was that of a domesticated goddess or what is also known as the stay-at-home mom. But I retired from my nursing job early for health reasons. Yet, I still wanted to work. So, here I am loving phone sex.
You need to be able to blog and navigate the Internet and a computer, but other than that you do not need much skill. We have girls working at this company with college degrees and GEDs. As long as you can blog, keep good records, remain drama free, show up when scheduled, you can do well at this company regardless of your educational background.
I did not have a clue about phone sex. Honestly, I thought I would make a couple hundred a week, keep myself busy and supplement my retirement. But I earn almost what I made at nursing, but I work less hours and I am not on my feet all day nor am I exposed to deadly plagues. You do not have benefits with a job like this. And you do not get paid hourly. This is independent contractor work. But it does not need to supplement your income. It can be your income.