Adult phone operator jobs may be what you need for financial freedom. I am not bullshitting you. A few years ago, I found myself out of work and in debt. My life had made a 180 turn. I had gone through my savings and I was finding nothing but dead-end jobs. A friend suggested phone sex. I thought she was joking, but when I did some research, I discovered how lucrative this business could be. Sure, it was not what I went to college for, but I had a choice. Talk dirty for a living or go bankrupt. I applied to a few places and luckily WBMT called me first. I had no experience, but I was willing to work hard and learn. Several years later, I am still here. I make over $1,000 a week. I work from home with a schedule that I selected. My bosses are female and awesome. I make top dollar on my minutes. I get bonuses. I am paid on time weekly. And, I work with great women in a drama free zone. All I do is answer my phones in a good mood, work my schedule and blog daily. Writing is a major part of success in this field, so you need to be able to write daily to make good money. It is not a cake walk job, but in comparison to most jobs, this is as easy money as it comes.