Adult Phone Operator Jobs are For Any Woman Over 18

adult phone operator jobsAdult phone operator jobs are a fancy way of saying phone sex. One that has less stigma associated with it. But there should never be stigma associated with phone sex because it is a legitimate job for women of any age over 18. I am almost 60 and doing this. I had a 30-year career as a schoolteacher. But my pay was never that high even after 30 years. And although I retired early, I do not get to draw on social security for a few more years. I decided to take a phone sex job until I was 62 and could get social security and draw on my 401 K.

But I make more money than anticipated doing this, so I think I will pad my social security and wait until I am 70 to fully retire. Phone sex is not a hard job. But it is a job. And I do work for my pay. I blog and work more hours than scheduled. But I have nothing else to do really, LOL. My kids are grown. I am a widow. So, I work and do some things with friends.

Because I was a teacher, I know how to write, and I know my way around a computer. But I had never dirty talked or wrote a dirty blog before. They train us here. A lot of stuff you need to learn as you go. You have some autonomy here, but the fellow girls are very helpful and will give you tips and advice. It was not at all catty like I expected.

It does not matter why you want to work from home. We have girls from 18 to almost 60 working here. For some this is a full-time job and for others it’s part-time. Join our team and see how much money you can make.