Our Phone Chat Jobs are the Best Around

phone chat jobsOur phone chat jobs are the best around. And I know that I might sound biased, but I have been in this industry 20 years. So, I worked at a few places before I made WBMT my home. The other three phone jobs I had paled in comparison to this company. But I did not really realize how much until I ended up here after the last company that I worked for just upped and closed one day giving none of the contractors any warning. And they did not pay any of us for our last two weeks of work.

Needless to say, I felt desperate for a job. So, I took the first phone job that hired me after that. And I have been here since. That was 7 years ago. Although I thought my last company was a good company. Or at least better than the previous two I had. But that job never paid me what WBMT pays me. At this company I can earn up to $1.10 a minute on my talk time. My old company paid no more than $1.00 a minute. And that was only if I talked more than 750 minutes in a pay week.

At WBMT, my pay is not tied to how many minutes I talk in a week. It is tied to how hard I work. The more hours I work and the more days I blog, the higher pay rate I earn on my talk time. This company is a cut above the rest. I have been here a long time, and I never once have thought about jumping ships.

So, if you are at a job that does not pay you well or treat you well, join me at WBMT.