PSO Jobs Are Not Hard to find; But the Good Ones Are

pso jobsPSO jobs are not hard to find. But the good ones are. At WBMT we have no drama. Even if a girl makes bank here, she will be let go if she starts any drama. This can be a catty, competitive industry. However, we feel like a small family. Girls help each other. Girls are friendly. And that is juts something I never had at any of my prior companies.

WBMT is likely structured differently than most companies. And that is a good thing. But only a good thing if you can handle the rules and work load here. We require more blogging in a week than most companies. But blogging makes our phones ring. And boy do they ring. Our call volume is good. And you want that in a phone sex company. Phone sex companies that require nothing from you have low pay rates and low call volume.

WBMT pays a livable income. However, we all bust our butts to make great money. And honestly, I never made the kind of money anywhere else that I make here. Blogging does not bother me. I love to write. And I work my ass off. I love money. And once I learned the more that I blog in a week, the more money I make in a week too, I hustled.
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