Phone Sex Operator Jobs Let Women Make a Honest Living

phone sex operatorPhone sex operator jobs seem plentiful. However, I learned that the one where women can make a living wage are few and far between. I worked at 3 companies before landing at WBMT. But once I did, I knew I found a good PSO company, finally. One where I no longer needed to live pay check to pay check.

My previous jobs just did not have the traffic to support all the women they hired. Those companies did not require much from us, but they did not pay much either. Now, WBMT requires more work than my previous jobs combined. However, the pay I earn here is more than all the previous phone sex companies combined.

Now, by work I mean mostly blogging and sticking to a set schedule you design. And the traffic at this company seems light years ahead of any other company. And that is because this company requires daily blogging. The more you blog the more your phone rings. And the more your phone rings, the more money you make.

I just wish I had discovered WBMT sooner. I could have saved myself a lot of stress and drama. WBMT does not allow for drama. My other companies seem rife with drama making it hard to focus on trying to earn money. But WBMT wants a safe working space where women can work free of stress and make a decent living. Don’t believe me? Join our team and see!