Phone Chat Jobs Require Work to Make Money

phone chat jobsPhone chat jobs require hard work if you want to make top money. It took me awhile to understand that. I almost quit more than once because I did not seem to be making money. However, one of the veteran girls here took me under her wing and coached me. She taught me how to make money and I am forever grateful for that.

The key to success at WBMT is blogging. And showing up when scheduled too. I came from a company that did not require blogging. And that did not have schedules either. So, this company seemed completely different from anything I had done before. However, my last company barely paid us. We did not earn much money there. None of us there did.

Many of us jumped the sinking ship, and I landed at WBMT. But it seemed like a lot. And I struggled to learn the blogging game. The vet told me to do my blogs before my shift, so I had them ready to publish at the start of my shift instead of the end of my shift like I had been doing. And when I did that, my paychecks grew. And kept on growing. Now that I learned how to work hard for this company, I can live. For once, I can pay all my bills and have something extra.

If you do not like your PSO company, jump shifts like I did. You will see what I mean when I say WBMT lets us thrive.