We have phone sex jobs for all kinds of women. If over 18, nothing else matters except that you need a good work ethic. WBMT is not like other companies. We have a higher pay structure, but to earn that top tier of pay, you most work 60 plus hours a week and blog several times a day. At most companies, the top pay is reserved for the top talkers, meaning the girls with like over 1000 minutes can earn more than other girls. Not at WBMT. Girls can earn any where from 20 cents to $1.10 a minute on their talk time. The higher pay scale is based on is hard work and effort. The more hours you commit to a week and the more you blog, the higher rate on your talk time. This job is not for everyone. Some companies do not require as much work nor do they have as many rules, but you do not earn as much money at those companies. I love it here. I love to write, so blogging is never an issue. I also like to make money and I can do that at WBMT. We hire girls with no experience or years of experience. This is not a company that will penalize you for having worked somewhere else. This is a nice place to work for too. No drama, paid weekly and lots of chances to make top dollar.