Phone sex jobs are not all it seems. They are not just for lazy fat girls that just eat, watch tv, and talk on the phone. These are real jobs that take real skills. They require actual work and you will gain new skills doing this line of work. If you adapt well to this kind of work it can be very empowering. I was doing online school courses and really needed to have a job that allowed some flexibility. I was in the middle of nowhere at this time and nothing reasonable for me without a car. I was struggling. I came across the Phone sex operator idea over a decade ago. The first company I was with turned out to be a not so great one. I found WBMT and have been here for a good few years and build up my skills greatly. I make a good living now and am paying off my useless education. The degree I went for wasn’t worthy of what it’s costing me but i did find a awesome opportunity and proved to myself I can finish something. Working with the women at WBMT is the best thing ever. I’m not blowing hot air as they will really support and help you when you’re feeling defeated in life. Make the change for the better and come apply with us.