Phone chat jobs can be lucrative if you are a hard working woman. Just about any woman over 18 can talk dirty, but to make good money requires more than talking dirty. At our company, girls must blog often and daily to make over $500 a week. They also must work over 40 hours to make that kind of money. There is a myth about the phone sex industry. Many girls think they can just sit around and the phone rings off the hook. That may be true with much larger dispatch companies, but not small direct dial ones. There are many key differences between companies like WBMT and those huge companies with thousands of girls. The much larger companies pay pennies on the dollar because you do nothing but talk on the phone. Often, the phone is to your ear non stop. Those kind of companies are like factories. Girls stay a few months, make very little, get burned out and come to companies like ours. You may not have your phone glued to your ear here, but you are paid more, and you need to blog. You will not make money at WBMT if don’t blog. It is free advertising and it is what makes your phone ring. Apply with us today.