I love being a phone sex operator for many reasons. I enjoy working from home. My friends spend precious time in the car commuting to and from work. They get up hours before they need to be at work. They put a lot of wear and tear on their cars. I wake up 15 minutes before I start my shift. I don’t even have to put on make-up or clothes if I don’t want to. I can make money instead of commuting. I save money in gas and oil changes too. Second, I enjoy setting my own hours. My friends have no control over their hours. Many must work many more hours because they are salaried. When I work, I always have the potential for making money. And, I love my job. It is not stressful like many other jobs. I don’t have to worry about disgruntled customers or violence or sexual harassment either. I work for females who always have my back. No catty co-workers. If there are, they are fired as this is a no drama company. This is it in a nutshell. At WBMT, you set your own weekly schedule. You work from home. You work with great woman. Plus, you can make great money if you blog daily. The earning potential here is limitless if you are dedicated and hard working. Join our family.