Phone chat jobs from home!

Let me tell you a little about myself. I am a divorced mother of 3 wonderful kiddos. Last year, I was couch surfing, trying to get back on my feet from a domestic violence situation. I had to give my children into another custody arrangement so they wouldn’t suffer homelessness with me. I had no phone, no car, no income, and my little town was very rural and remote. There was no assistance for me. Now, here I am, a year later, in a beautiful home with my children, with a vehicle, and this fantastic job. I am so blessed to have found this company, and all the absolutely wonderful, powerful, intelligent women I work with. They’ve been there for me through deaths, surgeries, and simply bad days, to lift me up, and encourage me through it. And on the good days, which are so very prevalent now, they make me feel like I positively shine. I have never been employed by anyone who has been so flexible with my days and hours. With 3 small ones, I couldn’t exactly be squirreled away in an office away from them all day. I work when they are gone or asleep, in my bedroom, in my pajamas.
Now, don’t mistake me, this isn’t for just anyone. You have to have the self-discipline to be a self-starter, to apply yourself to fulfill your duties, and to stick to the schedule you choose, or else the whole company suffers. You have to have the mental strength to separate yourself from the dialogue of the characters your assigned. Being able to leave work at work is extremely important. But again, that’s where these wonderful women I work with come to the rescue again. Any time a call was hard on my mind, I can talk to my girls here, and they make me laugh and smile again.
It’s not all bad either, it can be so fun! I have “met” some very interesting people around the world, and spent hours hearing their life stories, their wants, their dreams, and of course, their desires. There is so many stereotypical things people think when they hear “phone sex operator” that is so very far from true! It’s now just whimpering on a crappy phone and fake moaning over the phone for some guy. Oh no. You become a voice actress, with different personalities, hope, and desires all of your own! I find it rather liberating to be able to put myself in the shoes of someone completely different from myself, and completely throw myself into their dialogue just as though I was reading a really good fictional book, or watching a cool movie.
This job isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. I promise you, if you truly apply yourself, the fruits of your labor will be very evident. Besides al the wonderful people, and ease of working from home where I am comfortable, the pay has saved my household time and again. Even when I was gone for most of my work week, I brought in enough to keep us afloat just fine. I’ve never not had to worry about our utilities, or where our next meal was going to come from, before. I’m not writing this as an advertisement, or a trick. I just want to brag on this place! Just give it a try, you won’t be sorry!
I am so, so thankful to work for

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