I Love Working From Home as a PSO

phone sex operator

I love being a phone sex operator for WBMT. I know I sound biased but consider the fact that I have been here 5 years. Would you stay anywhere that long if you were not happy? Working from home has its perks and its challenges. I must be motivated and have good time management. It is easy to get lost in TV or household work when you are not on a call. There are things I need to do besides answer the phone and talk dirty to be successful financially in this business. I earn most weeks over $900 a week. Now, I can’t make that just answering phones. To make decent money in this industry the key is blogging. The more daily blogs you can produce while working, the more callers see you. It is your form of advertisement. Trust me the work you put into blogging pays off in a bigger pay check. WBMT requires work to make more money. The pay is structured to motivate you to work harder. No other company does that. WBMT is a family of hard-working women, who support each other. We are a drama free company too. No mean girls allowed. If you are good with unstructured time and motivated to make good money apply with us today!