We are hiring and have lots pf PSO jobs available for women 18 and up. You can be any age over 18, any race and any size to do this. Men love variety. I am a mature woman. I got into this line of work after I was diagnosed with Lupus. It was becoming too hard and dangerous to keep teaching. I hated to toss my education out the door, but I had to think of my health. I was too young to make much off social security, so I applied for a job at WBMT. This is my first and only company. I lucked out. This is a drama free company which saves my sanity. I am too old for petty drama. I can design my own schedule weekly, which means I never need to ask off for a doctor’s appointment. I really like how this company is structured. I can work as much or as little as I want, but there is a huge financial incentive to work more hours. I work 60 hours a week with 10 of those hours on weekends and I make $1.10 a minute on my talk time. I also blog 2-4 times a day at least 5 days a week. This is a great company, but you must be reliable and stick to a schedule you select to make it here. If hard work does not scare you, apply now.