Have you ever wondered how to be a phone sex operator? I know when I was looking for a work from home job, I wondered the same. Was this still a thing and how do I do it and how do I even find a company. Reading some blogs, I found raving reviews for WBMT. I filled out an application and got a call back and did an interview. The owner, who is a female, was so helpful and explained that I would need a landline, a computer and internet access. Luckily for me I had all three and immediately I started training. They provide a manual with everything I needed to know. They had calls I could listen to so I would know what to expect and most importantly all of the employees are in a chat room, and I could ask any questions I had. They were all so friendly and helpful. I started working on completing my training while I took calls. I was able to pick my own hours and the more work I put in the higher my pay scale was. It truly was totally in my control how much money I made per minute. If you are thinking about PSO jobs, you definitely need to apply with WBMT.