PSO jobs are not a dime a dozen. There are good, bad and ugly companies to work for in this industry. Then, there is the best, which is WBMTT. I know what you are thinking. I am biased because I work here. I am biased, but I am truthful too. I have been working here over three years now. That is a decade in the PSO world. I stay here because I would be a fool to go anywhere else. I have not earned less than a $1,000 a week in over two years. At many companies, that kind of money cannot be made weekly for several reasons. Many companies do not pay their contractors an equal split of the money. In fact, some give pennies on the dollar. At our company, you can earn up to a $1.10 a minute based on the effort you put in. Second, many companies don’t pay their contractors regularly. I have been paid weekly, on time, every week I have worked for WBMT. Many companies don’t blog, which is the best way to bring customers to your phones and make you top dollar. I blog daily which brings me company money and client money. And, many companies hire any and everyone who applies so there are just too many girls you are competing against for calls. At our small company, only girls who aren’t afraid of daily blogging, who can remain drama free and be polite and upbeat with callers are hired. If you are looking for a legitimate at home job where you can make steady money, look no further.