PSO jobs in the hands of the right woman, can be quite profitable. I make great money from home. My friends hate their jobs. They hate their commutes and they are always complaining about their bosses and their pay. I make more money than my friends. I have zero commute time and I love everyone I work with. Now, not every girl makes as much as I do, but not every girl works as hard as I do. The harder you work the more money you make. It is simple logic. This is an industry with unlimited earning potential if you work hard. I work more hours than my friends at “normal” jobs, but I am working form home and that is easier to do. I can do laundry in between calls. I make over $1,000 a week talking dirty. I work for my money. WBMT is not a company for girls who don’t want to blog or work 40 plus hours a week because if you don’t blog daily and you don’t work 40 or more hours a week, you won’t make as much money as those of us who do. If hard work doesn’t scare you off, I think you will find this to be the best job ever.