Phone sex operator jobs can be really fun, you should definitely try it! Just imagine working from the comfort of your own home with a bunch of wonderful women, what could be better than that? We’re a family here, we uplift each other and help each other there is never any back stabbing catty bullshit here, our bosses don’t tolerate that at all. Honestly, I look forward to coming in to work every day just because of the ladies I work with, we have fun every day. Now, don’t get me wrong, this job requires a lot of actual work. You won’t be just sitting around waiting on your phone to ring, you have several other things that you need to do to make your phones ring. We vote for our site, we blog regularly and we respond to every email every day. If you keep up on all that you will get yourself a bunch of regular callers and you will be making some really good money here. No other company pays as well as this one does and no other company takes care of their employees the way this one does. If you want to work for the best, you want to work here!