Phone sex jobs are great income for the right women. Are you the right woman? To work at WBMT you need a quiet workplace, a dedicated landline, high speed Internet and a working computer. You also need an open mind, writing and computer skills and the ability to work 40 or more hours a week. Those aren’t bad requirements compared to jobs outside of the home. Plus, you can make way more money at this than you can other jobs. We hire all ages and races. You can have lots pf PSO experience or none at all. Either way, you are given 2 weeks training to learn the ropes. We are a blogging company, so prior Word Press and SEO experience is a plus but not a requirement. I have been at WBMT the longest now of the existing phone sex operators. I make easily over $1,000 a week from my home while my boyfriend breaks his back doing manual labor for a fraction of what I make a week. Seems unfair I know. But I do work hard for my money because I am greedy. I want to do more than just pay my bills. I want to thrive, so I work 60 plus hours a week. I blog several times a day and I commit to a weekly schedule. WBMT rewards me for my hard work. Do you want to be rewarded for your hard work too?