Phone sex jobs are not what you think. They weren’t what I thought they were either. I had in my mind, phone sex was a job for the lazy and uneducated. I figured girls did this either because they weren’t smart enough for other jobs, or it was just a short-term sort of job. I apologize for thinking that. When I applied, I had no experience in the industry. I just needed an easy job I could do from home while I recuperated from heart surgery. I couldn’t work for 9 months which wasn’t long enough to collect social security. I applied at WBMT and in a couple days I was working and all my false beliefs about being a phone sex operator disappeared. First, this business is full of intelligent women who just need or want to work from home for a variety of reasons. Second, this job requires writing skills and basic knowledge of computers. Although you do receive some training, you do need to be good with unstructured time. This is not a job for lazy or not so bright girls. This is a job for self-starters who are motivated to blog daily. Join our team of smart, sexy and motivated women.