Phone sex jobs are fun and profitable. How many people can say they make great money at a job they love? I have friends who make great money, but they hate their job. They hate the commute. They hate their co-workers and they hate that they must work holidays and more hours than they signed up for. They are worked to death. That is not the case at WBMT. When you work here, you get to set your own weekly schedule. You can work as many or as few hours as you want, but understand you get a pay bonus for the more hours you can commit to up to 60 hours a week. But it is not like the jobs my friends hate. I am working from home. No commute. No back stabbing bitchy co-workers. Surprised by that? That is because this is a zero drama company. If I don’t want to work a holiday, I don’t schedule myself to work on a holiday. The only work I must do is answer the phone politely, blog daily, do some weekly social media promotion and vote on a few phone sex advertising sites. I make more money from home than most of my unhappy friends. Apply with us and start enjoying your job too.