Phone Chat Jobs Should Pay You Well

phone chat jobsWe have phone chat jobs available. And the very best kind too. The kind you can make real money at. We get lots of girls from companies like US Love and other places that do not even pay their contractors $1.00 a minute. If a phone sex company is taking more than half your talk time, then it is not a place you can make real money. I came from a company that paid me 60 cents a minute when they charged $2.50 a minute for the caller. Now, I did not know what I now know back then.

You can make much more money at a direct dial company. That means there is no dispatcher fielding the calls for you. You will do the billing part. And you will self-promote yourself too. The best way to advertise for yourself is through blogging. We require daily blogging here. With a direct dial company, you have more work. But you get paid far better too.

At WBMT, you can earn up to $1.10 a minute on your talk time. We base pay on effort. The more hours you commit to working in a week and the more you blog, the more money you make. Tired of the phone to your ear all day and barely scraping by? Join WBMT where the money is real.