Phone chat jobs offer the right woman a great work from home job opportunity. A lot of women have the false idea that this is a cake walk job. Just sit on your ass and let the phone ring. Some companies are like that, but not WBMT. The companies that require daily blogging pay you more. You may not be on the phone as much as companies with thousands of girls employed, but you will make pennies on the dollar at those companies. WBMT requires blogging to be successful. It is free advertising for yourself and is the number one way to bring in callers. If you can’t see yourself blogging a several times a week, this is not the company for you. WBMT pays the most per minute in the industry. You can earn up to $1.10 a minute on your talk time, but you must work harder for the maximum payout. Other companies might require far less work, but you may only make tops 50 cents per minute of talk time. You will want to do the extra work and work more hours at a company where you have unlimited earning potential. I have worked for the companies that paid me pennies on the minute and working 24/7 I still couldn’t make what I make at WBMT working 60 hours a week. Make the switch and find out for yourself.