Phone Chat Jobs Enhance Your Life

phone chat jobsPhone chat jobs can enhance your life. I mean this too. This line of work gives you flexibility. We get to work from home. And we set our own hours. This allows you to work around your children, your social life and appointments. My life appears complicated to some one on the outside. I am a single mom with three schoolchildren. Plus, I have a medical condition that requires a lot of doctor’s visits. So, a job with flexibility is key. I lost two prior jobs because of my doctor’s appointments or my kids’ appointments. Now, I can feel confident I will never lose my job.

Working from home means I can multitask. Do laundry in between calls and help check homework. This means I can work more hours because I am taking care of things at home that I never could take care of while in an office. And I have no commute. Plus, if I work more hours, I make more money. And my salaried jobs could work me to death with no extra money.

But this type of job pays by the minute.  You are not salaried. And no taxes get withheld. You will need to pay taxes every year. But if you work 60 hours you will make more money than if you did 40 hours. That’s because your phone will ring and your per minute rate goes up based on hour many hours you work in a week up to a $1.10 a minute for 60 hours. This job can be great for so many reasons, but it is a job. So, you must treat it like a job. If you can show up when scheduled and blog and follow the rules, you can make lots of money in this industry.

Join WBMT and find out for yourself how much money you can make. And the flexibility it can give you too.