Phone chat jobs are an amazing way to make a decent living. I’m making over $800. a week on average. There are many girls that make way more than that and many making less than this. When I started I was in School and was lucky to average 200. a week. That was all on me. I didn’t put the effort in and never realized how much simply blogging regularly would make such a difference. If you are a creative and great writer this could be the perfect job for you. You take calls and are expected to talk about all kinds of things. If you are ok with sexuality and discussing taboo topics then you can do awesome here. You must have a open mind and healthy attitude about sex and sexuality. This isn’t for everyone but those that can do it well will never want to leave. We have some of the best payscales in the industry and I know as I have worked in the industry for over a decade. I spent my first 8 yrs with a cruddy company that wasn’t supportive of her employees and was extremely paranoid. That attitude isn’t healthy. The owner and management here are awesome, supportive, easy to talk to and very caring. They pay well for those that put the full effort in and really you earn your living here. We push a no cattyness environment and you will find the other girls very willing to help you out. We are a family and you are invited to join us!