Phone chat jobs are the best jobs for women who want to work at home. This is a legitimate work from home job. It is not a scam or a pyramid scheme. You can make good money. I make on average $1500 a week. I do not have a college education, so I thought the best I could aspire to was a manager of an all night gas station. I hated my job. I was on my feet all the time and dealing with situations that could have resulted in harm to my body. Now, I work from home. I am safe. I am not testing my body. And I make in a week what I made in a month at my last job. Phone sex is not a cake walk, but it is not physical labor either. It takes a woman with good time management and good communication skills to succeed in this industry. It takes consistency too. I did not always make over $1500 a week, but I learned early on that the more I blog, the bigger my paycheck is. Money was a great motivator for me to blog. WBMT is a great company to work for, but you do have to work.