Our Phone Sex Jobs Pay the Most

phone sex jobsOur phone sex jobs pay higher than most PSO companies. I have been in this business for almost 20 years. However, I have been paid everywhere from 50 cents a minute to $1.10 a minute. I make $1.10 a minute at WBMT. But I work for that. The pay structure here is not like any I have experienced before.

I work for my $1.10 pay by committing to 50 hrs a week, working an additional ten, with at least 10 hours on the weekend for a total of 60 hours a week. And I blog 5 days a week. Now, you can work less and still make a decent living. 50 hours a week is $1.05 a minute. And 40 hours a week offers $1.00 a minute. No matter which option you want, you must blog 5 days a week with 8-10 hours minimum on weekends.

Most companies just pay you a set amount and leave the incentive pay bonus to girls who talk over 1,000 minutes or more in a pay period. I like that WBMT values your hard work. Why work for pennies when you can make real money? We do require set schedules here, but we can switch it up every three months.

This is by far the best PSO job I have had. And I hope it will be my last!