Not all phone sex jobs are created equal. This can be a business filled with cattiness and back stabbing. Some companies have no checks on the girls they hire. They can bully, torment and even trash talk the other girls, making it a difficult work environment. Not at WBMT. I have worked at companies that did nothing to protect their contractors. Hell, I was at one where the owner was the most difficult one of then all. WBMT has a strict no drama policy. They do not play favorites either. The rules we have at the company are applied across the board regardless of who has been here longer or who makes the company more money. The owner and the manager do all they can to give this phone sex company a family feel. It is a woman owned and operated business. No casting couches here. No drama. We are women uplifting other women to be financially secure. We operate as a team. Vets like me help the newer girls. We want everyone to succeed. If you are tired of water cooler gossip, backstabbers and intimidation in the workforce, join wbmt now. We will up lift you, so you can thrive as a phone sex operator.