This morning I woke up to a perfectly clean home with everything in it’s proper place. I took my dog on a walk. Feed all of my animals. My husband woke up and made breakfast as I made coffee and got my day started. As I sat down at my desk and logged into work I had a smile on my face. Yesterday was my day off and I got just about all of my things done for the week yesterday. I won’t have any distractions this week. Even though I was so busy yesterday I am happy to log into work. I work for a great company with some amazing women. It also helps that I love my job. Phone sex is not as easy as you would think. I am sitting at my desk with some music playing while I write and my dog is next to me in her bed and my cats are sleeping on my husbands desk. I could not be happy to be home and working. I work hard for the money I make. I blog as much as I can during the week and I answer every call with a smile on my face. I am always happy when the phone rings. It could be someone just asking about how much it is, or it could be my first customer of the day. I believe in good customer service. I want my customers to call me again. I work hard to blog my characters and to keep up with my callers. I love my job. Everyday is new yet the same. Everyone wants to get off and I make sure I give my all in every call I have. I love hearing that phone ring, it sounds like money filling up my bank account. I love to write my blogs. Blogging is advertising yourself. The more you blog the more calls you will get! I hope you give our company a try. If you are a hard worker this is the best place for you! Hope to see you soon!