I didn’t wake up one morning and tell myself I was going to be a phone sex operator. I don’t most women think about this sort of industry as a legitimate job. I certainly did not. I had no clue how much I could make as a PSO. I thought maybe it would be a good part time job until something better came around. Once I made over $500 a week, I was like this is a real job. Once I started making over $1,000 a week, I was like this is it for me. I don’t need two jobs and I don’t need a better job because I won’t make this kind of money anywhere else. I have a high school degree. I got married out of high school and was a stay at home mother. My sons are grown up now and I am divorced. I could work at Walmart and hate the world, or I could be an adult phone operator and make 5 times what I could at a job the devil wouldn’t even want. I blog a few times a day, do some self-promoting and work a committed weekly schedule that I set and the phone rings. If it doesn’t ring, I blog some more. I love being a PSO.