How to Be a Phone Sex Operator Begins Here

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator is a question I wished I had asked myself years ago. Honestly, I thought this was like some sort of scam or a job that you could not make much money at. But in my first year here, I made $70,000. And last year I made over $100,000. Now, I do work my ass off for my pay. But I have a lot of bills. The best thing about phone sex is you can work as much or as little as you want. However, we do not hire anyone who can only work less than 30 hours a week.

I love working here. But it is a lot of work. Not hard work, but in a way this is a sales job. And we need to hustle to make money. The more you blog here the more you make. And that’s because of two reasons. One, the more you blog the more guys see those blogs and decide to pick you to call. Plus, the more you blog the higher your pay grade. If you blog 2-3 a day over at least 5 days in a week, you can earn at least $1.00 on your talk time. If you add in that you work 60 hours in a week too, with at least 10 hours of that on the weekend, you can make a $1.10 a minute on that talk time.

Although this job does make you hustle, you can make a livable wage at WBMT. You can even thrive.