How to Be a Phone Sex Operator Begins By Reading Our Testimonal

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator begins here. Read through these testimonials and you will see how happy we all are here. I never thought phone sex would be my job. But when I got diagnosed with an auto immune disorder, I needed to not work in the public sector anymore.

However, I also needed to make money. Real money. I had student loan debt, and medical bills. So, I searched the Internet for job opportunities at home. Most of them seemed like scams. Pyramid type schemes and multi marketing companies. Then I happened to find a site called Sexy Jobs. And it was a hiring board for adult oriented jobs.

Phone sex would be the only adult job I would ever consider. And when I read through the requirements and the earning potential, I sold myself on the idea. I applied to a few companies, but WBMT hired me first. And I have been here ever since. I make good money. But I do work hard for my money too. You will too once you see that your hard work is rewarded with more money on your paycheck.

And by work, I mean blogging, answering your phone when it rings and responding to client emails and instant messages promptly. Like any job, you need to work hard to get paid. You do need to be good at record keeping and time management. But if blogging doesn’t scare you, I bet you can excel here too.