How to Be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator is not hard. But it does require work. I make great money at WBMT. More money than I have made at any job prior. But I work hard for those zeros on my paycheck week to week. This is an SEO driven company which means we need to blog. If you cannot see yourself writing 10-15 blogs a week, you will never make money here.

Blogging is the reason we have a high SEO ranking and that brings us callers. Companies that do not require blogging will never have the same earning potential as ones that do. So, keep that in mind. I have worked at both types of companies, and the money really excels as blogging companies.

This industry attracts lazy women. But to make real money in this industry you need to blog. I was slow to embrace the blogging when I started at WBMT. In fact, I almost quit in the first month because I just couldn’t get the blogging down. But a co worker kicked me in the ass and told me how much she makes a week. And I followed her lead because I had bills to pay. And three years later, I am still here at WBMT and bring home an average of $1500 a week. You can too if you stick with it. Blog your ass off too and you will see your pay checks soar too.