How to Be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator is not hard. You do not need a diploma for this job. You do not need any special skills either. However, you do need a cell phone, a computer and fast Internet. You also need to have decent writing skills, good record keeping skills, and know your way around a computer too. But most women have those skills in a tech savvy world.

We train girls on how to blog and how to use our programs. So, you never need to worry about being tossed into the deep end of the ocean. This kind of business can be sink or swim. But at WBMT we offer training and support to help you be a successful phone sex operator. I am glad too because I needed some help. Although I could write, I never blogged or used Google docs or ran a credit card before either.

I love this job. Working from home is so much easier for me because I do not drive. So, I never have to take 3 buses to get to work. And I have more time to do stuff around the house too. This job is not a lazy person’s job, but it does give you some flexibility in scheduling. And it’s low stress and no drama. And all that combined makes this my perfect job.