How to Be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator is not a question many girls ask themselves. However, I think it should be. There is no shame in this field. Not everyone knows what I really do for a living. To most people, I am a blogger. Which is not a lie. This job does require lots of blogging. But what people need to know is that I support myself and my children. I have a deadbeat ex-husband who decided he would rather be unemployed forever than to support his kids.

When we got married, he told me not to work. After ten years of marriage, I needed a job, but no one wanted to pay me enough to support me or my 3 kids. So, I tried phone sex. I was desperate to keep the lights on and my kids fed. They did not need to suffer because their father did not want to support them.

I designed my work schedule around when either they were asleep or at school. And it took me awhile to get into a grove. I felt overwhelmed with the technology of the job, but this is an awesome team who helped me. I’ve been here now three years. All the bills are paid on time. My kids get to do things fun, and they wear new clothes, no Goodwill clothes anymore. Phone sex might not be the job I wanted. But it was the job I needed. The money is great. The flexibility is great too. Why don’t you join us and see for yourself?