How to be a phone sex operator begins right here reading through our PSO testimonials. You will see we have many happy women working here. There are a lot of phone sex companies out there and it can be overwhelming to understand which ones are the best fit for you if you are a newbie in the biz. We are a direct dial company. With direct dial phone sex, you will make more per minute on your talk time. This type of work is independent contractor work. That means no taxes. You are responsible for your own with holdings. And in this industry, direct dial companies pay more than dispatch companies. Dispatch companies have a main operator who takes care of the billing part then patches the callers to you. At a direct dial company, the middle person is cut out. The call rings directly to you and you bill the caller. Direct dial pays more but requires more work too. You need to blog at direct dial companies. Blogging is like free advertisement. It is how you make your phone ring. We are a direct dial, blogging required company. You do need to commit to 40 or 50 hours a week at this company. You can work 40 hours a week and blog 5 days a week and make $1 a minute on your talk time. Or you can work 50 hours a week and blog 5 days a week and make $1.05 a minute on your talk time. Or you can work 60 plus hours a week and make $1.10 a minute on your talk time. The more you work, the more you blog, the more you make as a phone sex operator with WBMT.