Do you want to be a phone sex operator? I do not think women wake up one day and think they are born for this kind of work. It is not usually a woman’s first choice of a job, but it is an honest living. This is a legal job. We do talk about every taboo subject you can think of, so you need to be comfortable with that. Think of yourself as a phone actress. It is easy to be nervous at first, but it gets easier with every call. Plus, WBMT trains you. Most companies have a sink or swim philosophy and they just toss you to the wolves. Few girls make it that way. WBMT provides training on how to be PSO and how to blog. You do need some basic writing and computer skills. Plus, you need a landline phone and a computer with high speed Internet. A quiet space to work from home is a plus too. This is a job like any job, so you need to work hard to be rewarded. The more your work, the harder you work, the more you make. Your earning potential is limitless too at this company. Apply with us and see just what I mean.